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Англо-русский биологический словарь - wax


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ear waxgrafting waxgrave wax

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  • воск• вощить ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I  1. noun  1) воск; mineral wax - минеральный воск, озокерит  2) ушная сера  3) attr. восковой; wax candle - восковая свеча  2. v. вощить II v. прибывать (о луне; тж. перен.) - wax angry III noun coll. приступ гнева; ярость; to be in a wax - быть в бешенстве; to get into a wax - взбеситься, рассвирепеть WAX angry разозлиться ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (пчелиный) воск 2. минеральный воск, озокерит 3. парафин 4. ушная сера 5. мазь ski wax —- лыжная мазь 6. разг. восковая фигура; восковая свеча 7. сургуч 8. граммофонная пластинка 9. горн. пластичная глина для перемычек 10. садовый вар, садовая замазка 11. сапожный воск (также cobblers' wax, shoemakers' wax) Id: to be on the wax —- расти, увеличиваться 12. восковой; вощеный wax candle (taper) —- восковая свеча wax tablet —- восковая или вощеная дощечка (для письма острой палочкой) wax doll —- восковая кукла 13. вощить to wax tread —- вощить нитки (дратву) to wax floors —- натирать воском полы to wax one's moustaches —- нафабрить усы 14. производить звукозапись; записывать на граммофонную пластинку 15. прибывать (о Луне) 16. уст. делаться, становиться to wax angry —- рассердиться to wax fat —- разжиреть to wax strong in spirit —- библ. укрепляться духом 17. книж. увеличиваться to wax in size and strenght —- расти и крепнуть 18. развиваться 19. идти (о времени) time waxed on —- время шло 20. сл. уст. приступы гнева; ярость to get into a wax —- взбеситься, рассвирепеть that put him in a wax —- это привело его в ярость (в бешенство) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  воск – ear wax – grafting wax – grave wax ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) воск 2) восковой 3) вощаной 4) вощаный 5) вощеный 6) вощить 7) наващивать 8) навощить 9) парафинированный 10) парафинировать - ader wax - animal wax - candelilla wax - lost wax method - mineral wax - montan wax - palm wax - slack wax - slop wax fraction - vegetable wax - wax finish - wax impregnation - wax paper - wax pattern - wool wax ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  воск парафин пластичная глина ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) воск вощить 2) парафин парафинировать 3) модельная восковая масса (для изготовления форм по выплавляемым моделям) 4) пластичная глина - ader wax - black wax - candelilla wax - carnauba wax - catalyst wax - ceresine wax - ceresin wax - chlorinated paraffin wax - crude wax - distillate wax - earth wax - emollient wax - flawed wax - fluid wax - gem wax - glazing wax - hard wax - hydrocarbon wax - intermediate sweat wax - lignite wax - lost wax - match wax - microcrystalline wax - mineral wax - miner's wax - native mineral wax - noncrystalline wax - oxide wax - oxidized petroleum wax - paraffin grade wax - paraffin refined wax - paraffin slack wax - poor-pressing wax - protoparaffin wax - scale wax - sealing wax - slab wax - slop wax - soft wax - still wax - sucker rod wax - sweated wax - tree wax - water white paraffin wax - white wax - yellow wax ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a sticky plastic yellowish substance secreted by bees as the material of honeycomb cells; beeswax. 2 a white translucent material obtained from this by bleaching and purifying and used for candles, in modelling, as a basis of polishes, and for other purposes. 3 any similar substance, e.g. earwax. 4 colloq. a a gramophone record. b material for the manufacture of this. 5 (attrib.) made of wax. --v.tr. 1 cover or treat with wax. 2 colloq. record for the gramophone. Phrases and idioms be wax in a person's hands be entirely subservient to a person. lost wax = CIRE PERDUE. wax-light a taper or candle of wax. wax-myrtle a tree, Myrtus cerifera, yielding wax and oil used for candles. wax-painting = ENCAUSTIC. wax palm 1 a South American palm, Ceroxylon alpinum, with its stem coated in a mixture of resin and wax. 2 a carnauba. wax paper paper waterproofed with a layer of wax. wax-pod a yellow-podded bean. wax-tree an Asian tree, Rhus succedanea, having white berries which yield wax. Derivatives waxer n. Etymology: OE w{aelig}x, weax f. Gmc 2. v.intr. 1 (of the moon between new and full) have a progressively larger part of its visible surface illuminated, increasing in apparent size. 2 become larger or stronger. 3 pass into a specified state or mood (wax lyrical). Phrases and idioms wax and wane undergo alternate increases and decreases. Etymology: OE weaxan f. Gmc 3. n. sl. a fit of anger. Etymology: 19th c.: orig. uncert.: perh. f. WAX(2) wroth etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English weax; akin to Old High German wahs ~, Lithuanian vaskas  Date: before 12th century  1. a substance that is secreted by bees and is used by them for constructioncting the honeycomb, that is a dull yellow solid plastic when warm, and that is composed of a mixture of esters, cerotic acid, and hydrocarbons — called also bees~  2. any of various substances resembling the ~ of bees: as  a. any of numerous substances of plant or animal origin that differ from fats in being less greasy, harder, and more brittle and in containing principally compounds of high molecular weight (as fatty acids, alcohols, and saturated hydrocarbons)  b. a solid substance (as ozokerite or paraffin ~) of mineral origin consisting usually of hydrocarbons of high molecular weight  c. a pliable or liquid composition used especially in uniting surfaces, excluding air, making patterns or impressions, or producing a polished surface  3. something likened to ~ as soft, impressionable, or readily molded  4. a ~y secretion; especially ear~  5. a phonograph recording  • ~like adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to treat or rub with ~ usually for polishing, stiffening, or reducing friction  b. to apply ~ to (as legs) as a depilatory  2. to record on phonograph records  3. slang to defeat decisively (as in an athletic contest)  III. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English weaxan; akin to Old High German wahsan to increase, Greek auxanein, Latin augere — more at eke  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to increase in size, numbers, strength, prosperity, or intensity  b. to grow in volume or duration  c. to grow toward full development  2. to increase in phase or intensity — used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets  3. to assume a (specified) characteristic, quality, or state ; become ~ indignant ~ poetic  IV. noun  Date: 14th century increase, growth — usually used in the phrase on the ~  V. noun...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (waxes, waxing, waxed) 1. Wax is a solid, slightly shiny substance made of fat or oil which is used to make candles and polish. It melts when it is heated. There were coloured candles which had spread pools of wax on the furniture... She loved the scent in the house of wax polish. N-MASS 2. If you wax a surface, you put a thin layer of wax onto it, especially in order to polish it. We’d have long talks while she helped me wax the floor. VERB: V n 3. If you have your legs waxed, you have the hair removed from your legs by having wax put on them and then pulled off quickly. She has just had her legs waxed at the local beauty parlour... She could go shopping, and wax her legs. VERB: have n V-ed, V n 4. Wax is the sticky yellow substance found in your ears. N-UNCOUNT 5. If you say that someone, for example, waxes lyrical or waxes indignant about a subject, you mean that they talk about it in an enthusiastic or indignant way. He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees... My mother waxed eloquent on the theme of wifely duty. VERB: V adj, V adj 6. If something waxes and wanes, it first increases and then decreases over a period of time. Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned. PHRASE: Vs inflect ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a solid material made out of fats or oils used to make candles, polish etc  (wax crayon) 2 a natural sticky substance in your ears  (- see also beeswax) ~2 v 1 »FLOOR/FURNITURE« to put a thin layer of wax on a floor or surface etc in order to polish it 2 »MOON« when the moon waxes, it grows larger 3 wax romantic/eloquent/lyrical etc literary to speak in a romantic way  (Mitch would wax eloquent on the subject of cars.) 4 wax and wane literary to increase and then decrease 5 »LEGS« to put a thin layer of wax on your arms or legs in order to remove hairs ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Warroad, Minnesota USA softw. abbr. Way Aluminum X gen. comp. abbr. Wireless Abstract Xml file ext. abbr. Compiled script (ProComm) ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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